A) Do we want to give birth at a hospital or at the birthing center?
B) What birth plan is right for us? (We just started HypBirth, but we're also reading about the Bradley Method as well.)
It’s also very important for us to have a natural delivery if at all possible. We’ve come up with a list of questions, wants/needs (possible demands ;) ) below. Let me know if you would recommend any other questions to consider or have any overall input for a new mommy-to-be. :)
- We would like to have a natural birth, with no drugs if possible. (no pitocin, epidural, stadol and no episiotomy)
- Can I eat and drink during labor?
- We would like to avoid being induced unless it is absolutely necessary. Do you use cervadil or cytotec?
- I would like to be able to be mobile and not confined to the bed during the entire labor process. Is this possible?
- Can I get a Hep Lock so that I can move around without the pole? (ie. only have to be hooked to the pole when I am getting IV fluids.)
- Do I have to deliver lying flat on my back?
- What percentage of your patients require cesarean sections?
- For which situations do you most commonly perform a cesarean section?
- I would like the baby placed immediately on my chest after birth and cord clamping delayed. Is this doable?
- Can I nurse my baby immediately?
- Will I be separated from my baby at any time following delivery?
- We would only like for our baby to have the necessary shots following birth.( ie.Vitamin K and Hep B are debatable)
These are all excellent questions! We wrote our own birth plan, what we wanted and what we didn't and our doctors/nurses respected all of them. Good luck!