Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blessings in disguise

I believe God strategically places people in your life. Some people are placed for just a season. Maybe to help you through a challenging time, as a test or an obstacle you have to over come, but some are weaved into your path for life and are blessings in disguise.

My sister-in-law, or "sister I never had" as I like to call her, is one of these people for me. She is such a blessing to me and our entire family. She is constantly teaching, praying and loving. She has been in my life for over 12 years and in just the past year or two, God has opened my eyes to the blessing He gave me so long ago.

It's amazing how God gives us exactly what we need when we need it, but unfortunate that sometimes it takes us longer than what He intended for us to see it and reap the benefits of His blessings.

Alexas is a best friend, a prayer companion, a Christian mother and a sister to me. I have taken on a lot of roles in the past year. I've become a wife, daughter-in-law, and mother. Alexas's grace in her same roles has helped shape me and keep me focused on God. Thank you Alexas for your continued support and love. I am so grateful for you. Bobby is one lucky guy! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love you!! I am so blessed to have you in my life, and in my family. I'm thankful that we're living life along side of each other, and that we can share so much!!


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