Friday, February 1, 2013

This Week's Updates...

This week has flown by! We've been busy bees both at home and with work/school. Isla has developed so much this week! She is crawling better and better with every day. She has become a good eater of green beans, bananas and oatmeal and she has been sleeping like a rockstar! She has however reverted a bit this week with taking bottles and I've had to step in more frequently to feed her. Overall, she has had a great week and I'm amazed at how much she has grown!

We've been busy too with work, home life and keeping up with our families/friends. I have very exciting news that my brother is not going to be the only male in the Jones family any longer! He and Alexas will be welcoming a sweet baby boy in July and we can't wait to meet him! The Jones girls are so excited to have a little brother!

Isla will be 8 months old on Monday. I feel like it was just last week that we took her 7 months pictures! Time is passing by so quickly that I can hardly keep up. Trying to savor all of these sweet and precious moments and be able to relive them in the future. These are surely the sweetest days of my life!

Hope everyone has a blessed weekend! Enjoy the people you are with and tell someone you love them! I know I will be snuggled up with the ones I love this weekend.

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