Monday, September 15, 2014

Laylin Jane is 1 month old!

Sweet little peanut hit the one month milestone last week! She is such a little nugget. At five weeks, she just now weighs 8lbs, 12 oz and is 20.75 inches long. She is in the 20th percentile for height and weight and 6% for head. She has the tiniest, daintiest features.

She is such a good baby. I think it's a combination of her laid back temperament and us also being a little more laid back this time around. I guess you kind of have to be more laid back the second time around!

She's only had a few super fussy times thus far. She really only cries if she is having gas pains or is hungry. She's a great sleeper and nurser for the most part! I feel so blessed for this. She takes 2+ hour naps during the day and often will sleep for 4+ hour stretches at night. This was a big change from big sister who only liked to catnap at 30 minutes at a time.

She likes to cuddle and sleep on my chest like a little frog. I adore that she is a snuggle bug! She likes baths, showers, her paci and riding in her carseat. She's starting to make some noises outside of crying, but no cooing just yet.

We can't wait to see her develop and grow, but while we wait, we are soaking in all of her tininess. I love this little girl so much.

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